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Reserve Discussion Room


  1.  The discussion room is reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Students need to write down their  reservation time slot, class number and number of users in the reservation timetable.

  2. The library will  reserve discussion rooms for teachers and review classes in advance.

  3.  A maximum of 3 sessions can be booked per day; and the maximum number of appointments per week is 6 sessions.

  4. If there is no other reservation in the future, the user can extend the use of the discussion room.

  5. In the absence of a teacher, three or more applicants are required.

  6. In order to ensure fair and sufficient use of the discussion room, reserved student cannot get in the room at least than 2 people.

  7. If the person who made the reservation does not arrive within 15 minutes of the reservation time or leaves for more than 30 minutes, the reservation will be canceled and will be opened for other students to use.

  8. If non-reserved persons use the reserved discussion room, they must leave the discussion room immediately upon request at any time.

  9. Students must enter and exit the library through the main entrance, and cannot enter and exit through the emergency exit.

  10. It is strictly forbidden to bring food or drink into the discussion room.

  11. Users must keep the place tidy and return all items to their original positions after use.

  12. When using the discussion room, please keep quiet and do not disturb the other readers.

  13. Users should keep awareness to their personal belongings and take away before leaving. We have no responsible for any loss.

  14. The librarian teacher and assistants have the right to prohibit any inappropriate person from using the discussion room.

  1. 討論室以即日先到先得的方式預約,同學需在預約時間表的預約時段上寫下個人資料方作成功預約。

  2. 圖書館只會為老師及溫習班提早預約討論室。

  3. 每天最多可預約3節;每節的預約時間為3小時,每週預約上限為6節。

  4. 往後時段如沒有其他預約,使用者可延長使用討論室。

  5. 在沒有老師陪同的情況下,預約者需三人及以上始得申請。

  6. 為保證討論室得到公平及充分之使用,使用時須二人以上同時到場。

  7. 如預約者預約時段內15分鐘仍未到達或中途離開超過30分鐘,該預約即被取消,並會開放該討論室予其他同學使用。

  8. 如非預約人士使用已預約之討論室,須隨時在要求下立即離開討論室。

  9. 同學必須經由正門進出圖書館,不可從緊急出口出入。

  10. 嚴禁攜帶食物或飲品進入討論室。

  11. 使用者須保持地方整潔,使用後將所有物品歸回原位。

  12. 使用討論室時,請降低聲量,以免影響其他讀者。

  13. 使用者應保管好個人物品,離開前須將其全部帶走。如有遺失,恕不負責。

  14. 圖書館主任及助理有權禁止任何行為不當人士使用討論室。

3/F, Sha Tin Methodist College, Sun Tin Wai Estate, Sha Tin, N.T.

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