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Extensive Reading Scheme
Summer Reading Scheme
F.1 and F.2 students have to complete 2 Chinese and 1 English reading reports by reading the assigned books int he summer holiday. The reports will be evaluated by the Teacher Librarian. A champion, first runner-up and second runner-up will be chosen from each form. The prize will be award on Reading Day.

Extensive Reading Scheme
F.1 and F.2 students have to complete at least 12 reading reports throughout the academic year, including 4 assigned Chinese books, 4 English books, 4 life learning/ liberal study/ personal choices books.
在學期間,中一及中二同學需完成一共最少12篇閱讀報告,包括4本中文指定書目(包括班書)、4本英文指定書籍4本(包括在fun in reading 計劃)、以及「生命教育/社會議題」(鼓勵閱讀繪本)、「個人選擇」上下學期各一本(共4本)。

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